Nagy-Eged hegy prestigue selection

Nagy-Eged hegy prestigue selection

With this wine selection, we would like to please our most gourmet wine lovers: the focus is on the iconic vineyard of the Eger wine region, Nagy-Eged Hill. In the package we can taste our peak white wine, Mária, made from the grapes of the mountain, and our peak bull's blood wine, Agapé, from which we can compare wines of three excellent vintages. As a contrast, Nagy-Eged bull's blood made of the thicker fruiting layer of the skirt part is also included in the package. The most interesting part of the compilation is a Kadarka from the mountain part - only one barrel was made from it. - Mária 2022 - Nagy-Kadarka 2021 - Nagy-Eged 2021 - Agapé 2016 - Agapé 2017 - Agapé 2018
Normal price 196,550 Ft
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St. Andrea Winery

3394 Egerszalók, Ady Endre u. 88.

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday: 1000-1800

Sunday: closed

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