Merengő 2018
Including: Cellar visit, tasting 6 wines
Finger foods: Baguette and olive oil
Application from 1 person
Tasting days:
Monday-Saturday 10.00 a.m – 6.00 p.m
Time: 1,5 hours
Price: 8 000 HUF/person
Including: Cellar visit, tasting 7 superior wines
Finger foods: Baguette and olive oil
Application from 1 person
Tasting days:
Monday-Saturday 10.00 a.m – 6.00 p.m
Time: 1,5 hours
Price: 14 000 HUF/person
Including: Cellar visit, tasting of 12 items of wine selections from the top wines of the winery
Finger foods: Baguette and olive oil
Application from 1 person
Tasting days:
Monday-Saturday 10.00 a.m – 6.00 p.m
Time: 2,5 hours
Price: 25 000 HUF/person
Including: Cellar Visit and tasting 8 items of Agapé Wine
Finger foods: Baguette and olive oil
Application from 6 person
Tasting days:
Monday-Saturday 10.00 a.m – 6.00 p.m
Time: 2,5 hours
Price: 50.000 HUF/person
At St. Andrea Vineyard, we have experienced many heartwarming moments. In our work, as grape and wine producers, it is easy and frequent to feel our human smallness and helplessness, and along this path, we have come to recognize the beauty of relying on God. With this realization, the challenges, unplanned difficulties, and solitary struggles become easier to accept, but what a joy it is when a result, unexpected or perhaps just hoped for, becomes a gift! This is often deeply moving, even in the little details of daily life... God takes care of us!
It is a great joy when someone looks upon our work with appreciation, happily enjoys our wines, and feels that the quality of our current wines is worth mentioning. It is a great blessing that we have been involved in viticulture and winemaking in the Eger wine region for decades, and that the next generation also feels this vocation is important, understands its significance, and hopes for success, so that the wine of Eger may hold its own among the wines of the world. Our wine region is wonderful, our wine cultural heritage is compelling, and the characteristics of the region are unique, producing wines that are distinctive and individual.
Every day, we strive to capture beauty and goodness. We are delighted when our visitors enjoy themselves, when we can work in well-maintained vineyards, when there is interest in our wines, when they are recognized in the world, when our workers support one another, and when we can talk about good things. It is a joy when a harvest is successful, sometimes surprisingly so, when the tractor works, and when the laborers do their part. But above all, it is a great joy when our wines are consumed with trust. I remind myself that experiencing all this is not natural, but a real gift. We live among miracles... "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above."
-Dr. György Lőrincz – estate manager
Merengő 2018
94 pont
Hangács 2018
94 pont
Agapé 2018
95 pt
Agapé 2017
95 pt
Agapé 2016
94 pt
James Suckling
Mária 2018
94 pont
James Suckling
Egri bikavér Grand Superior Nagy-Eged dűlő 2018
93 pont
James Suckling
Boldogságos 2021
93 pont
Magyar Bor Nagydíj
Agapé 2017
Magyar Borszakírók
Magyar Bor Nagydíj
Mária 2019
Magyar Borszakírók
Decanter World Wine Awards
Nagy-Eged Dűlő Grand Superior 2017
Best in show
Decanter World Wine Awards
Hangács 2017
Sommelier Wine Awards
Igazán 2016
Sommelier Wine Awards
Nagy-Eged-hegy Egri bikavér 2016
Sommelier Wine Awards
Merengő Egri bikavér 2013
Decanter World Wine Awards
Merengő 2017
Decanter World Wine Awards
Áldás 2018
The Wine of the year
Egri bikavér ünnep
Igazán 2016
Legjobb bikavér
Prestige Reserve
Igazán 2016
Medaillon D'or
Prestige Reserve
Boldogságos 2018
Medaillon D'or
Prestige Reserve
Merengő 2016
Medaillon D'or
Prestige Reserve
Axios 2016
Medaillon D'or
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2025-ben elindítjuk klubtag-rendszerünk legmagasabb szintjét: éves előfizetés megváltásával lehetőség van a St. Andrea Szőlőbirtok kiemelt partnerévé válni és belépni a borbarátság legszorosabb körébe. Az éves klubtagság révén a klubtagjaink nem csak éves borcsomagjainkat kapják meg, hanem különleges borélményekben lehet részük, illetve lehetőséget kapnak elsőként eseményeinkre regisztrálni, illetve új és limitált tételeinkre előjegyezni.
A klubtagok évi két alkalommal 12-12 palackos St. Andrea borválogatást kapnak.
Áprilisban a Tündökölj borcsomag:
Októberben a Mysterium borcsomag:
Mysterium – 2 palack
Meglepetés – 2 palack
Merengő – 2 palack
Hangács – 2 palack
Nagy-Eged – 2 palack
Agapé – 2 palack
A csomagok a megadott címre kiküldésre kerülnek, amiről a St. Andrea Szőlőbirtok Magyarország területén térítésmentesen gondoskodik.
FILIA klubtagjaink a borcsomagokon túl az alábbiakat kínáljuk:
Hogyan lehetek FILIA klubtag?
500 000 Ft klubtagsági díj befizetéssel lehet a St. Andrea Szőlőbirtok legmagasabban rangsorolt klubtagjává válni, amely a befizetéstől számított egy évre szól.
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